I am still copying and tracing patterns, so I can't show you what I have made yet using this fab book, but I love it! It is fun, versatile, easy to understand. . . Did I mention that I LOVE this book? So, let's give one away, shall we? For a copy of the book, Sewing Clothes Kids Love by Nancy Langdon and Sabine Pollehn leave a comment on this post. Winner will be announced August 15th. And don't forget to leave a way for me to email you, should you be the winner.
And if you just can't wait. . .
I really want this book!!! I may not be able to wait...I am loving the rainbow outfit on pg. 13.
What a great book! I wish I could win but alas, to the person that does, Lucky, lucky you!!!!thewilliamshousehold@mac.com
I love the urban hoodie! Thanks for the idea. I also love sewing books--they're my new vice. I usually check them out from the library and copy what I need, but it's so much nicer to have my own copy! sorainima@gmail.com
Oh my goodness, I would love, love, love to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway :)
I bought this book too and I love it.... but like you I am still in the process of coping patterns, and soon sewing. So no need to count me for the giveaway!
Cannot wait to see what you are making! I am planning on a cool boy shirt, we will see if it passes 10 years old approval!
I would love to win this book!!!
deserae (at) gmail (dot) com
Great book! I hope I win!!!
Thanks for the giveaway
charlsmith at comcast dot net
(You might get LOTS of entries, I noticed you're posted on Someday Crafts today!)
Thanks for the pattern round up. I have been imagining a new coat recently and hadn't started looking for a pattern yet. Here's hoping it's not THAT cold where you live yet!
Looks like a great book! I LOVE jackets, I can never have too many!!
camandhan (at) gmail (dot) com
Cool! I'd love to get my hands on this book.
The details on those Avalon jackets look so fun! I could totally see myself making one for each of my daughters.
That looks like such a fun book!!
Wow! This book looks great! I would love to win it!!!! :) jward24@roadrunner.com
ohh im a quilter, but im itching to try some clothes for my kids...this book looks great!
Looks awesome! I know some little people who could use some adorable clothes :)
I've heard great things about this book - it's definitely on my "to buy" list. Winning it would be even better!
Oh I love this book! I borrowed it from the library to check it out and now I want my own copy! I would be thrilled to win this!
jenlea2000 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the chance to win.
I've been away for awhile but I wouldn't mind getting this giveaway.
I'd love to have that book! Thanks for the chance!!!
sarah8914 at gmail cot com
I have two girls and this looks like such a great book with cute clothes patterns. My fingers are crossed!
Tracy -- tracy338111@sbcglobal.net
i would love to have the book! i have 3 kids and im sure i can find great use with it
I would love this book. It looks amazing, and you are definitely selling it well! :)
I've heard so many good things about this book in blogland and judging by the pics of seen of it my daughter will definitely love the clothes. There's nothing better than making something she loves to wear and feels good in :)
Although I never win, I frequently try! I would love this book, and would use it for all 3 of my kiddos! I hope I hope I hope!
I have been drooling over this book! I never win but figured I'd at least try for this!!
alyssa_J_S (at) hotmail.com
I LOVE that book and would be very happy to get a copy!
Oh I really want to see that book! I'm on the wait list for it at the local library but can't seem to make it to the top of the list!! And none of the local shops seem to stock it and I really, really, really want to see this before I buy it (which I'll probably end up doing if I'm not lucky enough to win a copy here)!
Awesome roundup - thanks for sharing all those fabulous links. And COUNT ME IN on the book action - I've had my eyeball on that book for a long time!
Cute jackets!
I'd LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance!
Can I just say SWEET! LUV those jackets/coats. My lil Goose would look lovely:) Thanks for the chance to win!!
HAPPY Monday
Would love to win this book-I will take any help I can get for sewing kids clothes!!!Thanks for the giveaway!!
Bye the way-♥ your blog!!!
Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!
accoupons at gmail dot com
Oh I hope I win. I really want this book!!! If not, guess I'll just have to by it.
this book looks awesome! thank you!
stinksopurdy at gmail dot com
So, I've been wanting to buy that Make It Perfect Uptown Girl for the last 12 months. I do need to do that. Sewing Clothes Kids Love is another I absolutely must buy ... I could I win it...! I hope so!!
For sure!
Those jackets are adorable! I especially love that hoodie. :)
AHHH!!! thanks for having this great giveaway!
I can't wait to see what you made/make from this book! I have been drooling over it for a while and would love to win it!! Thanks for the chance.
I just found your blog yesterday, but I love it. The leggings and tanks from your long sleeved shirts were genius!Can't wait to see what you made!
I was just contemplating this book over the weekend! Love it and the fabric combinations they used! Hope I win! :)
Would love this book! The gifts I would make!!
Would love this book! The gifts I would make!!
Thanks for the round-up and the give-away. Would be great to win this book.
I look at this book every time we go to the bookstore but I have used serious restraint and haven't bought it yet! Hope I win
Somehow I've managed to not see this book yet! It's a must-have, thanks for the opportunity.
I love that unisex hoodie pattern. I wish it came in a bigger size for me! It would be awesome to win the book. Thanks for the giveaway!
oh waw, i never been sewing jackets before but hell yah, why won't i give it a shutt and make my little girl proud of my creation,,,, nice blog by the way and keep it up
I would LOVE this book!! I could really use some of these jackets up here in Alaska!! We are still here and it really is cold!! Well...from what I'm used to in Aug in WA state...it's rained or been overcast the entire 3 weeks we've been here:( Summer is my fav season so this has been a bit hard for me. We will prob be staying for another 3 weeks while my hubby finishes his job. We did get to see the COOLEST air show EVER on sat tho:) Arctic Thunder - that sadly 4 men from the base died practicing for...so tragic. Thanks for the giveaway tho, sorry for the long winded post - I'm looking forward to getting home and finally finishing my pinafore! Thanks for the chance to win...jmierandco@gmail.com
What a great giveaway! I'd love to win!
I've heard great things about this book - thanks for the chance to win!
i have been hearting this book because of your blog. what a great prize!
This book looks wonderful -- I'd love to win it! And the other patterns are super cute as well.
Looks like an awesome book! I'd love to win! The other patterns you listed are super cute too. I'm a huge fan of Heidi and Finn patterns myself!! Thanks!
peanut2princess at gmail dot com
i have been eyeing this book for some time and i am in desperate for some new patterns! i would love this book!!!
this is more of a need than a want. I must have this book! it looks AWESOME!
I would love this book. I enjoy sewing, especially for kids.
Oh, I have a new grandbaby girl. I would so love to have this book.
Cute Cute stuff. Thanks for the chance. jessicaleeperkins@hotmail.com
Great giveaway, thank you!
Very cute! I will have to check it out. Thanks!
I love sewing books! I haven't seen this one yet, but I'm on way to Amazon to look now. Thanks for the giveaway & really useful ideas and tutorials!
Looks like a fantastic book! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
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