after finishing all the other costumes i had on my agenda, i was left with a very large problem. what should i make for MY kids? for as old as they are, they are pretty good about letting me do most of the deciding on halloween costumes. (except the 'chipettes'. . . they have wanted to be the chipettes for the last several years. ummmm. . . no, thank you!) so, here we are. down to the last few days, three costumes to make and we finally agreed upon. . .
fairies. specifically, tinkerbell and friends. even more specifically, tinkerbell and her newest friend, periwinkle from the new movie "secret of the wings."
and let me tell you, it took every second i could find in those three days to get these costumes done! whew!
we made dresses, wigs, slippers, feathers, accessories and wings! oh, those fairy wings. . . there were many different tutorials i found for fairy wings, but the one i ended up using was simply amazing.
this is what her wings looked like:
can you believe someone MADE those? and then told us all how to make our own? stunning!
mine didn't turn out as fantastic. . . but i liked them-- despite the two hours they each took and the fact that during our halloween activities i had to 'unsquish' them every two minutes. . .
they were made with layers of tulle, ribbon and sparkly fabric. then i used silver thread and did a satin stitch (is that what it is called?) over the top of wire. yes, in swirls!
and this one's costume?
it also has wired running throughout it to make the edges turn up like real leaves.
and after all the hours creating these costumes, my favorite part ended up being the little slippers-- by far the easiest part of the entire process!
okay, so now you get a little picture overload.

i am starting to think my girls are getting a little spoiled when it comes to halloween costumes. they feel it is their 'duty' to make sure that each and every detail is exactly as it should be while i am doing the constructing. maybe i should make them wear store bought costumes next year-- what do you think?
hmmmm. . .
nah! what would i do for the entire month of october? ;0)
and with that, i wish you a
Happy Halloween!