This post is part of a month long series called 'Pattern Makeover Month.' I took a simple pattern (The Sweet Dress by Leila and Ben) and 'made-it-over' into many different styles. For more information, go here.
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For this refashion, I used a long, tiered skirt. Fold the skirt in half, lining up the top and side seams as evenly as possible. Place the pattern matching the sideseams, with the top of the pattern at least an inch below the top of the skirt. The folded side doesn't have to match the pattern exactly. If it is a couple inches wide, it will work just fine. Cut the arm holes using the pattern. Watch for the zipper. It should be cut out with the armholes. Cut the neckline an inch above the pattern line.
Make a rolled hem edge on the arm holes and sew together the dress. Iron the neckline under 1/2 inch down and then another inch down. Stitch across the bottom, creating an inch wide casing on the front and back.
To create your neck sash, cut a piece 4 inches by 44 inches (60 inches if you want to be able to make a bow). Iron each edge and side a quarter of an inch in, then fold in half and iron. Top stitch around the edges of the sash. Thread through your casing.
Easy, peasy!

very nice! I love her shoes!
Sounds so easy!
Ahhh, I just passed one of these skirts by at the thrift store today. Wish I'd seen your post first! I love the color of your dress, and of course the style.
Oh my goodness how cute! I think this is my favorite.
I still can't believe this is all from the same pattern!
What a fun twirly dress!
what a fun twirly dress!
So cute, I could actually do this one.
Super cute and easy!! Just the way I like it!
I wonder if I can alter my tiered skirt for a two year old. Might be a bit much! But, I do love this idea. thank you.
This is wonderful! Thank you so very much!!
Oh So Cute!
Very fun! I bet it does some great twirling.
This one is my favorite so far! It looks so cool and breezy...and it looks like a breeze to make it!
I have the PERFECT skirt for this sitting in my refashion pile. Hurrah!
This is just beautiful and perfect for this time of year...
I love this refashion, so simple and with gorgeous results!
What can I say, but CUTE! I really love this one. WAAAAY better than the original intent.
What a perfect summer dress.
I buy so may ladies skirts to refashion for my daughter (because they'll produce the correct amount of "twirl" to satisfy her) so I think this is a great idea!
okay now THIS ONE is my FAVOURITE!!!
OK, off to the thriftstore! So cute!
I like this one especially because my daughter is named Charlotte :)
Everything I have seen so far is incredible!!
LOVE this... the ruffle-y look is fabulous! And I love it that you refashioned this from a skirt!
We have a friday fun finds party... we'd love it if you'd link to this! :)
Way to change up that pattern. The ruffles.are.divine.
Again, love it!
We'll be featuring you on Friday, so come by and grab a button! Thanks for linking up this week!
That is so pretty! Great idea!
Super fabulous! I love the refashion! Makes me wish I had a skirt like that in my closet!!!! I will feature this at Grab my "featured" button.
how cute! what a great idea!
i have a skirt waiting for me to do this :D
Lindo, amei!!
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