
Confessions of a Computer-aholic

I spend way too much time on the computer each day.  Check the email, do the banking, check our movie queue, check my blog roll, check facebook. . . there always seems to be something to check.

And lately, I had added to the list (like I NEED something more to fill up my time!).  And I blame it all on Vanessa of V & Co.  A couple months ago, she shared a post about playing a game on facebook.  Well, she peeked my interest.  And I tried it.

Sounds lame, right?  Ummm, it is.  But it is also very addicting. 

Yes, I am an addict.

There you have it.  I am now out of the closet.  So, why am I sharing this, you ask.  Good question.  I need some neighbors.  Apparently very few of my friends have the same addiction as I do. 

A pathetic addiction, and an even more pathetic reason for sharing said addiction.

If there are any other of you that are 'closet gamers' and need a few neighbors on Cityville or Frontierville, I would love to add some friends! 
(And maybe I won't feel so pathetic. . . )


  1. Hi, My name is Lisa and I'm a Bakery Story addict (iPhone app)

  2. Ohhh Cityville! I force myself to only do one game at a time so when I started Cityville I had to stop Frontierville, so my poor Frontier is probably completely overgrown now! But I'd love to be your game-friend!

  3. Luckily I am only a fabric addict, but I know what you mean about checking the internet too often. I am afraid the littlest is going to imitate me!

  4. I have an addiction to Cityville. I can't believe I am writing this! I try to sneak on that game several times a day (when hubby and kids are in another room). My facebook name is Amber Patton Peacock and I would love to have another neighbor/game friend! I feel like such a school kid writing this!

  5. Teri Zuwala, Cityville addict.

    I just started frontier ville, but aren't sure how long I will continue.

  6. Hello, my name is Adrienne and I too am addicted to Frontierville and Cafe World. Want to be friends? http://www.facebook.com/Arnden

  7. I also spend way too much time on Frontierville. You are more than welcome to add me as a neighbor.
    Julia Selzler

  8. Today is the first time I have seen your blog. I found it through Ariane's Crafts. There is so many cute things on it. Just had to mention that YES! I play Frontierville and Cityville too! Addict you say? What addicts? I don't see any addicts here!! LOL. Most of my friends don't play these games and it takes me forever to get anywhere! I'd be happy to have another neighbor on these games.You can send me an email and I will give you my facebook info.

  9. I also spend WAY to much time on the computer. I am addicted to cityville and farmville (Kelley Leuck), if you want to friend me. Thanks!!

  10. My name is Heather and I am a cityville-holic. LOL. You have a great blog and I love looking at it. If you need another neighbor on it, My name is Heather Keene Gottfredsen on facebook.

  11. My name is Heather and I am a cityville-holic. LOL. You have a great blog and I love looking at it. If you need another neighbor on it, My name is Heather Keene Gottfredsen on facebook.

  12. My name is Heather and I am a cityville-holic. LOL. You have a great blog and I love looking at it. If you need another neighbor on it, My name is Heather Keene Gottfredsen on facebook.


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