
Curtains are the DEVIL!

It's been one of those days. . .

You know the kind where you start out with visions of sewing most of the day. 

And then. . .

You decide that even though you are just about out of funds for food for the week, there are a few errands you just HAVE to run. . .  which turn into a few more and at each and every place, you spend 30-40 dollars and realize by the time you get home that you spent your ENTIRE weekly budget and didn't come home with anything to fix for dinner tonight or tomorrow or the next night. . .

And then you get home and find that one of your purchases inadvertantly was left in a different store than the store the purchase was actually from.  They don't have the purchase and can't find it. 

Tell me, how many people out there in a small town in Idaho really need 2 pairs of navy leggings in a girls size small?  Why wouldn't they turn it in?  I mean REALLY.

And in the last store, your potty-training 2 year old wets her pants and the child seat in the shopping cart.  No, I didn't bring a diaper.  No, I didn't bring extra clothes.  And yes, we had visited each and every public bathroom.

Finally get home and bathe the kids.  Take a few deep breathes, eat some chocolate and think, 'Okay, I can handle this.  It isn't that bad.  I'm okay, I just need to accomplish something and I will feel better.'

So I decide to hang a curtain rod and curtains that I just purchased for my two living room windows.   We do not own any power tools, so hanging a curtain rod requires a lot of effort.  Anyway, I was starting to feel a little better, since I actually hung one rod without too much blood, sweat and tears.

Then I pull out the curtain panels, kind of excited to see how they will look.

And guess what?  There is only one panel in each package.  Just one.  Like who in the world would ever just need ONE curtain?  Do you know anyone with with a window that measures 20 inches wide by 50-something inches long? 

They were purchased from TJ Maxx, which means they most likely will NOT have two more panels.  Which means I am going to have to beg them to take back the two that I have hanging in my living room.  And what the heck!  They were so expensive-- for each panel!  I mean it is just a piece of fabric for crying out loud!

And the only reason I went out today in the first place, is because I didn't want to attempt sewing another set of curtains after the LAST incident. . .

And while I am typing this sad story for you, my girls somehow managed to ruin brownie batter, from a box (must take after their mom!), and I realized that I recently removed the program from my computer that uploads the pictures from my camera.   And she peed again.  On me and the couch.

Heaven help me!

So, how was your day?


  1. LOL! Oh my word, I have sooo had days like that! Tomorrow is another day, hopefully it's better!

  2. You poor thing!! I feel for you! **Hugs** xoxo Lisa

  3. Wow. I know it's not much comfort, but it could have been worse. My little boy once pooped and exploded his diaper, and he let me know by "trying" to wipe it off of his hands (because yes. He put his hands down his pamper) onto me. Or more recently I was at the ob taking a pregnancy test (positive) and my 2 year old opens the bathroom door as I'm ... ehem... peeing into the cup. Yes people saw, and no they were not all women. I laugh now haha. But you have healthy children, something to eat, someone who loves you, and really, what more could someone ask for? You'll laugh at this kind of stuff later on down the road. Have a good night though.

  4. Oh, I've had those days, too! Thankfully they are outnumbered by good days :) Hang in there!

  5. Oh Leis, sounds like a great. Hopefully tomorrow is much better for you. I wish we didn't have these kinds of days...good thing your girls are cute, right? Love ya!

  6. I just wanted to thank you because i woke up this morning and had like the worse day ever... you made me smile... im sorry your day was bad if it makes you feel any better I waited to long to nurse the baby and the crying child behind us in the check outline made me leak all over my shit... did I mention I forgot my coat.. damn...

  7. Hang in there! These days were made to make the rest feel so much better :)

  8. Hi Leisel. Have a better day today! That one curtain per package happened to me once too. REally! Who only needs one curtain?

  9. OMG. I feel so bad for you, but totally know how you feel on every count. The guilt that comes with spending money then not having it work out then thinking how much better off I would have been if I'd just stayed home and sewed. (They were nice looking curtains.)

  10. OH my word:( I am SO SO sorry for you! YES, I've def had days like this! BLEAK!!! I hear ya on the one panel per pack of curtains, that has always irritated me! Here's to a better day tomor!!

  11. Sorry, I've had those days too! After doing all the laundry from one and having him pee again, I threw and broke the laundry basket! I had good results with the imse vimse cloth training pants. They are thick and nice. Much better than the training diapers. They learn quicker. More expensive, but you don't use as many so cheaper in the long run, plus we used them for both kids. Also JCPenney usually has good deals on curtains, especially if you get their emails. Good luck!

  12. Sorry your having a bad day:(, we've all been there and empathise, but thanks for sharing. Sometimes blog land sounds so much like sunshine and lollipops, that it can make a person feel inaedquate. I don't envy your day, but sharing it with us sure made me feel better about mine.

  13. Wow, I feel your pain! Sending you hugs from Australia :)


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