
Costume Party: The Musketeers, Part 4

For those of you just joining us, I am on part 4 of 7 of the Barbie Musketeer Costumes. 

The cape is easy, peasy! 


1/3 yard pink satin
1/3 yard gold satin
1/3 yard gold trim
basic sewing supplies


Cut one piece of pink satin and one piece of gold satin measuring 21 inches by 12 inches.


Okay, you have two options here. 

Option 1:  Pin the pink and gold pieces together wrong sides together and use your rolled hem edge to finish the edges all the way around the cape.  Then jump down below to finish.

Option 2:  Pin the pink and gold pieces together right sides together and sew all the way around, leaving a 5 inch opening to turn it right side out.  Press and topstitch around, closing the opening as you go. 


Stitch your gold trim about 1.5 inches from the bottom of the cape (the narrow sides are the top and bottom).  Fold the ends under at the begining and end.

Place a basting stitch about 1/2 inch from the top of the cape and gather slightly.

Using a zigzag stitch, attach to the back neckline of the peasant top.  It should run from one sleeve seam to the other.

And that's it.  Now the easy parts are done.  The trickier parts are yet to come!  ;0)


  1. I really enjoy your tutorials, I am working on making one for my daughter, she is a big barbie fan!
    When she saw your outfit last year she wanted one just like that!
    And I did buy the fabric then but never made it.....thanks to you the problem is being corrected right now. Thank you!

  2. I skipped ahead and made the capes...except I made the 3 capes with ties because we wanted to be able to use them without the rest of the costume......as a matter of fact, I wore the pink cape while cleaning the kitchen yesterday. I'm SUPERMOM!

    I did it in the same pillowcase fashion that you did your's, only at the top, I sewed a length of coordinating ribbon to tie around the neck and shoulders. My kids think the gold insides are just so special. They want to wear them all day, every day!

    I can't wait until you post the directions for the boots and belt thingie. I attempted to spray paint a felt hat pink yesterday, and failed miserably. I suppose I should just wait until you post how you came up with your musketeer hats.

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