
Help! Help!

As it turns out, I am apparently decoratively challenged. Those of you who have seen my apartment know that I pretty much just do not decorate. But, this week when I got tired of shirring, I decided to spruce up my wall with an idea I saw here-- embroidery hoops with cute fabric in them as wall art! Fabulous. Kira happened to bring home an embroidery hoop handprint of hers in the perfect colors to match my living room. I saw this as the perfect way to make someone else's idea my own, so, I decided to do the other two girls handprints, add several hoops with matching fabric and voila!

Only. . . it didn't turn out quite like I imagined. Take a look:

Now is the part where you come in. . . What am I missing? Yes, I realize it is too high on the wall. And I need several more. But, are they too far apart? Do I need bigger sizes? More small sizes? Any input would be much appreciated!!!


  1. Hey, I'm no Pro but I think a few bigger ones would look good!! Cute idea though!

  2. I think you need more and to have them centered over something - like the inspiration photo had them right over the crib, so I think you need to put them right over your sewing machine or dining table, something like that.


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