
Sewing With the Kiddos. . .

I am ashamed to admit. . . I really do not enjoy crafting with my cute little girlies.  It is too messy and too trying on my patience. . .  

I am a selfish seamstress.  I sew for me.

I wish I could say that was said with all the confidence in the world, but in actuality, it makes me feel extremely guilty. 

With that in mind, imagine the emotions experienced when I viewed K1's latest paper-and-marker creation:

(Can't forget those sparkles, now can we?)

So, how about you?  Do you sew with the kids?  If so, where do you find the patience?!?!?


  1. it's ok, i can't sew with the kiddo's either. when and if i do, it is usually little quick projects and usually something for them.

  2. What I do when I am cutting out a pattern is let them have free reign of all the scraps and pins. They pin scraps and leave me alone! It's really fun seeing them cut scraps into little pieces and think they are making a dress.

    We also have a 'treasure trove' in the sewing room that they can play with when I am sewing. There are coloring books, scissors, crayons, markers, search and find books, etc. So they have a great time and I don't feel guilty!

  3. I'm so with you on the craft thing. Now, I volunteer to teach art at school and I don't mind messies there -- their floors are easy to clean up. And yes, the patience of helping my girls sew is just not usually there. I'm trying as well. Hang in there.

  4. That tutorial is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! Hands down. Love that girl!!!

  5. Oh yeah. I'm with you. Some other blogs I read, they are constantly crafting and sewing for and with their kids... when I sew, I bet I make 50% for my shop, 40% for myself, and 10% for my kids. I have guilt about it. But meh - I do other stuff for them - not sewing for my kids doesn't make me a bad mom (I think??). I have started doing some simple preschool crafts with my daughter lately, and that makes her really, really happy, so that works for everyone.

  6. I hear you. Sewing is ME time. My 12 year old often raids my stash and cuts holes out of the dead centre of a metre of fabric. Grrrr.

  7. I recently made my 6 yo and my 7 yo each a sewing caddy to hold their own needles, thread, and buttons. I let them dig through my scrap bin for bits of fabric to sew. They make little "pillows," purses, and other simple things while I'm sewing (or whenever they want!).

  8. Awww! That's just precious. One of the best tutorials I've read all week :D

    (My husband came by as I was reading this and rolled his eyes saying "sewing geeks" hehehe - awesome!)

  9. This was so cute! The best tutorial ever!

    Sewing with NO kids, you mean! No, it is impossible to sew with my kids around especially my 4 year old boy who as soon sees me seated at the machine gets under the table and presses the foot control (managed to save my fingers 3 times).
    I usually sew when they go to sleep or if it is during the day I get them doing something else to distract them from my sewing.

  10. I have three boys and they love to use the sewing machine. They use scraps and make whatever they want. It does require more patience but it is worth it cuz they get so excited about their projects.

  11. I think you just found your next quilt! Transfer those beauties to fabric, add some sashing and a border and you have the PERFECT memory quilt.

  12. That tutorial is so cute! I don't craft much with my kids...I have been buying craft items that they can do on their own. I too feel really guilty for not doing it with them and I think about how much they would love to sew with me. I think I might do some with them during the summer months, because we are just too busy during the school year.

  13. My two year old likes to sit in my lap when I'm sewing, but that's about all I can tolerate. My 7 and 8 year old girls want to sew with my all the time, but I'm kind of a selfish sewer myself

  14. Sewing with the kids? I don't even like sewing the stuff they pick themselves! (I do it, though). I find I'm a lot more motivated with my own design, especially after the last Halloween set where I ended up doing a lot of costumes I just wasn't thrilled about. Of course, I love to sew kids clothes in general, and I'm not going to have them wear something they don't like, so I try to let them help with designs as much as possible.

    Since I don't have my own kids to sew for, I'm the only one who sits and uses my sewing machine. It might be fun to show the kids once but on a regular basis I do think it would be trying.

  15. OH MY WORD THAT IS SO SO SWEET!! I seriously could get teary seeing that. Cuz I too am a selfish sewer and I have two girls that always want to sew with me and I am not a teacher and have NO PATIENCE! So I totally feel the guilt too;(

    I wish I could buy them their own machine and bring them to a class but that's not in the budget right now. I'm hoping in a couple years when they are a little older. They are almost 8 and 6 right now. I love your blog and seriously think that is too sweet of your daughter. Please, please tell me you are keeping that in a special place, I just love it!

  16. I am making a quilt with my son's preschool class right now. You know that 1/4" seam business? Kind of important. There's definitely been a feud going on between the perfectionist and the teacher in me. I let them take the pins out, and sometimes "drive" with the pedal. Whenever they try to guide the fabric, there's yanking going on. And to top it off, I'm a rookie! Definitely a lesson in patience!

  17. I don't usually comment, but this is so cute, I had to come out of lurking to say so!

    I typically sew after the kids go to bed. Or while they are watching a movie.

  18. Thank you for a delightful post! I haven't reached the stage of guilt yet, keep telling myself that they are too young to participate or appreciate still...but will either have to find a new excuse or a way for them to join the fun on the sidelines! Keep us posted if you find a remedy! ;-)

  19. I just have to say Thank you so much for this post. I feel so quilty when I am sewing and my girls want to sew and I just get frustrated. I only have a little time to sew and I want them to learn how, but I am not good at going back and forth between my project and theirs. Still trying to figure out how to do it.

    But it helps my quilty self to know I am not the only one. THank You.

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