What to do, what to do when your best friend's daughter has a birthday?
Whip up one of these, of course.

I have been loving knits as of late. Soft, stretchy and BEST OF ALL? You don't have to finish the edges! Wahoo! I think this is my least favorite part of sewing. When I first started sewing, it seemed like this was the part that always ruined the finished product. I'm getting a little better at finishing, but it is still fun to skip the hardest part--
I almost feel like I'm cheating--

I did try doing a rolled hem on the bottom edge of this one-- not sure about it. It doesn't seem to work fabulously on knits. And while I LOVE not finishing the edges of knits, there are some times when you just have to finish the edges-- so I am curious. Do any of you have any tips or great ways to finish the edges of knits?

Happy Birthday, Brighton!
We LOVE you!
Linked here.
So cute! I like the non-finishing part of knits too. I've done a rolled hem before, but I've also zigzaged the edge and then turned it up and stitched it. I'm no expert. Do you have a serger? (I don't.) I bet than would be an easy way to finish.
I just bought a Bernina serger and am going to try a rolled hem on knits next week. I hope it works out :)
BTW, I'm teaching sewing class this summer, to a few of the YW in our ward :) It's a lot of fun!
Super cute dress. I have never worked with knits so I've got nothing ;) But great birthday present!
If you are wanting to do a rolled hem on knits you need to remember not to stretch the fabric. If you stretch the fabric you get more of a lettuce edge like your dress has. For me personally I LOVE lettuce edges on knits, but my niece who is 8 thinks she's past that and prefers the straight rolled edge. Luckily my daughter loves the lettuce edge too lol.... Otherwise a coverstitch is supposed to be great, but that's a whole other machine!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! This dress is DARLING!!! I can't believe how cute it looks on Kira!! Hope you made 2! You are the BEST BESTIE!!! XOXOXOXO
Adorable!!! I usually serge the edge, press it up, and then stitch close to the edge.
how did you make the dress? it is adorable!
I agree, no stretching. I usually do a double fold and then zigzag stitches at the top and bottom of the fold. It seems to work well...always seems like it needs that structure the double fold and double stitch provides. I love knits too!!
I just figured out how to use a twin needle. They make awesome knit hems with no effort. In fact, I just shortened a t-shirt for my mother-in-law and i think it took longer to thread the needles. :)
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