Today is the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Hooray! In keeping with tradition, I have 3 giveaways going on in three different posts, check them all out!

Giveaway #3-

This is a girl's dress made from a women's skirt. My five year old is modeling it and it seems just a little short. I would say it will fit about a 3T or 4T. The straps are made with elastic, and there is elastic around the bodice. Cute fabric, fun dress! (The model is NOT included in the giveaway-- I'm keeping her!)

By now, many of you are probably about blogged out, so, I will keep it simple. Leave a comment with your name to be entered into this giveaway (make sure I can contact you, in case you win!). If you want a second chance, become a follower and leave me a second comment on each giveaway post with your name and 'follower' after it.
Have a fun giveaway day!
Awww can't I have her too. She's so cute!
So cute! Both the dress and your daughter! Unfortunately, I can't enter this one because I don't have a daughter (or niece or anyone at this age...) and I am to old to wear it :) But whoever wins: Congratulations!
I am having a fun giveaway day, thanks. It's a great way to 'meet' new blogs- like yours, you've got me with your picture of brown paper packages tied up with string. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ooooh... I know a little Punk with not nearly enough dresses who would rock this pretty little number...! ;)
OOh! what a cute dress! my little monkey would look great in it!
oh, and I am a follower (through google reader)
What great giveaways! Thanks for the chance!
I have a little girl this would fit in the spring- so cute!
Melissa- follower!
I have a three year old who is tall and LOVES dresses. I would love to win this for her.
kindredcrafters (at) gmail (dot) com
- Donna
Oh my! My DD would LOVE this dress!!!!
LOve it!
This would look great on my 5-year-old. She just got into wearing dresses.
Kelly O.
Oh yeah. My little girls would love this. Thanks so much. And be sure to enter my giveaway too!
So adorable!!
::fingers crossed you pick me!::
I am following your blog!!
After looking over your site, I'm a follower now!
My girlies would love that dress! I've got a few skirts and shirts I'm trying to do something similar to, but I'm afraid to start cutting...
Love it! My 2 year old would grow into it with style.
This appeals to the girly girl in me. I have the perfect sized daugther for it.
Thanks for the chance!
Very cute dress!!! And adorable daughter!!!
LOVE IT!!! i have a little girl who would grow into this just perfectly. thanks!!
what a darling dress! thank you for the opportunity.
Very cute. It would fit my daughters perfectly.
So sweet! This would be so lovely on my daughter. Your daughter is beautiful too!
What a great giveaway! Thanks.
Perfect for my youngest girl...alusco@centurytel.net
I'm a new follower! alusco@centurytel.net
I want this too!!!
I am now a follower.
I would love to win this for my DD.
too cute! ~Dacia
follower! ~Dacia
Love that dress, very cute!
Love it...hoping to win for my neice!
So adorable!
So cute. Love the dress
I am a follower now too!
SO cute! Would look great on my Emma Jayne:)
How cute!
My email is tlb3405at yahoo dot com
I know just the little girl for that. Thanks!
What a fun giveaway! My daughter would love this dress
What a sweet dress!
Rhiannon - follower!
I have a little girl that would love this - great giveaway!
Cute dress! Can't wait to hear who wins it!
I'm a follower!
I have a granddaughter this age...she is so girly she'll love this!
super cute! I have 3 little girls that could use this at some point!
Oh this is super cute! My daughter is about to move up into 3t and would look adorable in this dress :)
Second post as I've become a follower :)
(and I also realized I didn't put my name on my last post, but I hop the fact that I am using my google account is sufficient).
This dress is adorable! My girls would love to have it!
That is the sweetest dress and my daughter would look adorable in it come spring! The color palatte is really delightful. Pick Katie, email on profile
I would love these
I have 2 grand daughters! I think the youngest wears just that size! Follower
Oh my I love that dress. Lucky me I have two little girls!! That dress would get lots of wear.
What a cute idea!
Such a cute dress. It would look so adorable on my friend's daughter.
Great giveaway, I love vintage fabric!
I love the dress! What a great idea, made out of a woman's skirt. If I don't win it for my little girl, I'll just have to make her one.
I love that dress and it's the perfect size for my daughter!
Love the dress!
prcrowley@hotmail (dot) com
Would be beautiful on my daughter!
Cute dress! At first I thought it was going to be the chair!:)I have a couple of nieces who would fight over this - or take turns wearing it like proper little ladies! Thanks for your generosity.
Oh I have 2 little girls that would look cute in this dress!
Happy Holidays!
Perfect for my daughter... Only we will have to wait several months until Summer.
so stinkin cute. Thank you for the chance to win. -dez
Pretty dress. :)
Hello! I'm a follower and added you to my blog list. Thank you for participating in this great give away!
This is gorgeous, my Daughter would love it
Darling dress! I already have a model for this one. My granddaughter would love this.
This is adorable! Thank you for the giveaway.
This is super cute! Your blog is really nice. I will be visiting again I think!
LOL, when I first saw the top picture I thought you'd put your DD in the naughty chair for some reason and were offering her up ;-)
My DD is just a tad too big for this dress, so I don't want to be entered for the giveaway, just wanted to leave a comment and tell you of the giggle you gave me
Wow, these look awesome! Thanks for offering this great giveaway.
These are so great, I needed to enter for the 2nd chance. Not only that, but I am really excited to add you to my site and follow! So many good ideas and fabric (esp vintage) is my heroin...
what a cute giveaway!
gill x
What a sweet dress! And what a beautiful daughter ;-) My daughter would love this dress! Thanks for the chance!
Follower :-) Love your blog!
Great idea. Very cute!
Love your blog, it´s wonderfull.
3 giveways! how generous :)
I LOVE this dress! (and the cute little model too!)
...and now I have the song "my favourite things" in my head!
Thanks for the chance to win
This is absolutely adorable! Thanks for the chance to win! ~Lisa~
I have a four year old girl so I only need the dress, not the model! :)
Aww, that is a sweet little dress. My daughter is only 4 months old, but sooner than I think, she'll be big enough to fit into that dress. And I so haven't figured out sewing for little girls yet, so it would be much appreciated and loved.
SO cute!!! Love it... would look pretty cute on my little one.
Brooke: follower
Rhea - follower
Gorgeous. And your model is cute as a button too.
lovely dress and woo hoo, Three great giveaways, how generous !
djaj follower !
What a sweet dress! I have two little girls, so I'm sure it will fit at least one of them if I win :)
-Diane Vorderstrasse
My little girl only wears dresses now - and I better not suggest anything else. Your giveaway dress would suit her fiiine!
Claudia follower
I love the dress. My daughter isn't quite that big yet, but with the way she's growing it wont be long.
Freda Messick
what a gorgeous dress! :) I thought at first the giveaway was for your little sweetie!! I'd love the dress though!
I follow now too!
Cute dress-and model!
so cute. i think this would fit my daughter perfectly....
Ooooh! My three year old would love that dress!
my daughter hates modeling my stuff!
my grandaughter would love this dress. Thank you for the opportunity.
I think that would look adorable on either of my girls! Long dress on the 2yo, short on the 4yo! Thank you!
And I follow your blog!
What a cute dress get idea on reusing.
That would fit my angel Evie...thanks for the giveaway!!
I am a follower!!
Cute dress!
This is beautiful.
Megan! Thanks!
Too bad! She would fit right in with our blond-headed little girls:) I have a three year old who will turn four next summer so this would be perfect for her!
Such a pretty dress - it would be the perfect size for my daughter next summer.
I love this dress so pretty!
I'm still "J".
Oh my! How cute!! (both the dress and the model :)) This would be perfect for my daughter this spring/summer.
Please enter me - iamredeemed_99(at)yahoo(dot)com
Great dress!
Thanks for the chance to enter!
lalestyleshop (at) gmail (dot) com
And I'm a follower!
very cute!
This would look adorable on my niece.
elizabeth at ldspierce dot net
So adorable! :)
This is so lovely!
that is adorable! my little girl would love this dress.
thanks for the chance to win!
ps-check out my blog for a vintage goodie basket giveaway!
i'm a follower!
Happy Holidays! Thank you for the chance to win one of your lovely giveaways. :)
AWW, too cute! Can you send tyour daughter too? My Baby is 22 years old and won't wear cute stuff I make anymore! But I do have a friend with a daughter..........
Stop by my bloggie place for my giveaway! sewinstitches.blogspot.com
What a cute dress! My little girl would love it! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a cute dress!
beautiful dress and beautiful model :)
Lucie (contact at LAupperlee@sheppardpratt.org)
I have a darling granddaughter who could wear this if I should win. Thanks for your giveaway.
My daughter would look absolutely darling in this dress! :)
ooh, i have a 3 year old who would love this dress.
So cute! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
What a beautiful dress!
Oh wow the fabrics and the dress!! Beautiful!!
Love the dress, My grand daughter would look so cute in it
Hi, thanks for participating! I would love either of the fabric bundles, yay!
Also, I've been a follower of your blog for a couple of months now. :)
Oh, that is such a sweet dress. I'm enjoying all 3 of your giveaway posts and am glad to see so many folks repurposing things!
Megan the follower, again!
My 4 year old would look adorable in that dress. Crossing my fingers...
That is a cute dress. I have nieces that would look great in it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Love the vintage sheet fat quarters. One of these days I'd love to make a small quilt out of vintage sheets. Your work is really pretty.
I'm a follower, or I should say your blog is in my favorites which I visit daily. Thanks
I know an 11 yo who could wear that as a Summer top! Was a bit worried at the start that you were giving away the model before I noticed the dress ;-)
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