In order to play, just leave me a comment telling me one of your New Year's goals. If you would like a second chance, post about the giveaway on your blog, facebook, Twitter, whatever and come back to leave me another comment telling me that you did. I will pick a winner randomly on the 7th.
Yay! I just love doing giveaways!
PS I have added several new patterns and fat quarter sets in my Etsy shop. Check it out!
I love your vintage sheets! Whenever I see things like this at thrift stores I buy them. One of my fabric NY Resolutions is to USE my stash--to finish projects with more yardage than I accumulate this year (Stash Buster Program).
Hmmmmm..... resolution..... start a photography business (one where I get paid - I have been doing photo shoots for free for friends thus far!)
Thanks for the opportunity!
Beautiful vintage sheets! I don't really make New Year Resolutions anymore (because I'm only setting myself to fail), but I do have goals that I'd like to achieve in 2010, 2 of them would be to learn how to knit, and to cook more often at home and order take-out less. Happy New Year!!!!
Just twitted @tingtongnthings
Oooh...one of my wishes for 2010 is to save up enough vintage to make a quilt. Everything I buy or find, (or win!) is split with my friend KT so we can each have enough!
Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabric! I even have my snowbird mom scouring in florida for me!
Happy New Year!
Sweet vintage sheets! My goal for 2010 is to do the things I was prevented from doing in 2009 because of my health! Yeah 2010!
I just tweeted about your give away!!Happy New Year!
I love the fat quarters. I am huge fan of vintage linens. My goal this year is to use up more of my stash, and not buy (too much!) until a significant amount has been used.
My goal for 2010 is to finish and submit a quilt for at least one quilt show. I've been talking about doing this for years but this year is the year!!
Hi! Well, one of my posted goals for the year is to make a vintage linen quilt!
I have a few more thing to finish, too, I'm hoping to make this a year one of completions.
Thank you!
I love your sheets, too pretty! One of my resolutions is to learn how to sew. I am so intimidated by the machine :)
Ooh, so pretty! One of my goals this year us to make better use of my time so that my house can be clean and I still have time to peruse all my favorite craft blogs! (As it stands, I do plenty of the latter and fail on the former.)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh count me in....
Happy New Year!!
look on my side bar for my post about your giveaway!!
Happy 2010! I resolve to make more time for quilting. I know it sounds sort of selfish, but it's time. My kid are older now so maybe it can be done. I love vintage sheets. The colors and patterns are so darn pretty. Thanks for a chance at your give-away.
One of my resolutions is to do a sketch per day in 2010. Hopefully, at the end of the year, I will have improved and be faster! Those vintage sheets look so fun!
Those are gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity!
This year I plan to learn to crochet and to make more gifts for people I love :)
Oh! I love vintage sheets!
I resolve to make myself a quilt. I have so many projects planned for everybody else.. I need something for me!
Love, love, love the vintage fabric! My New Year's resolution is to do more with my craft this year. I would really like to start my own business.
What a fabulous giveaway!
My goal is to get my fabrics organized so they are easier to find when working on a project. That will be a huge task!!!!
Happy new year.
Resolutions are so difficult but I am approaching this new decade with joy and determination.
Sewing has become part of my life and I want to make it even more so in this decade. So, I am trying to create more quality garments for myself and bags and totes for my friends and family.
I have really created a path of upcycling fabric and reusing just about everything. It's a blast!
Happy New Year!
LOVE the vintage sheets! My husband and I have agreed to clear the house of sugary snacks to set a better example for our kids! We want it to be a treat again and not something they think they can have whenever they want!
I Facebooked about your giveawayt!
Oh those are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
As far as a New Year's resolution...I'd like to really dive into my stash (of old clothing, fabric, jewelry pieces) and do some reconstructions on a regular basis. (okay, on a fairly frequent regular basis!)
One of my resolutions was to sew a purse for myself. My mother in law have already signed up for a class/workshop. So excited!
Oh, these are great! I just posted my "crafty new years resolutions" on my blog, so I'll tell you one of them: to mod podge something!
Love your sheets! My goals for this year are to get busy on crafting, get my esty shop up and going. And of course improve my health, getting in shape and eating better!
one of my new year's goals is to use fabric I have or happen upon at little cost - yard sales, etc. I need to go on a fabric-buying diet!
One of my new year resolutions is loose about 20 pounds. I do have more, like finish projects I've started.
Just posted on my blog!
Very cute linens - whenever I'm in the thrift shop, there are no linens to be found. Except of course, the super ugly with questionable stains.
Well, my resolution, is to enjoy my sewing/knitting/stitching more, instead of just concentrating on the finishing the product. The joy is in the journey, and I'm going to remind myself of that many times this year, until it becomes second nature.
thanks for offering the giveaway :)
This is very cute! One of my new year goals is to spend the year raising Awareness for Childhood Cancer. I want to create a bunch of items to help get the awareness out since everyone can wear pink for breast cancer but you never see yellow in September. lol. Im strange but it effects so many!
My resolution is to walk a marathon - my friend and I are doing the Catalina Marathon (can anyone say MOUNTAINS!?!) on March 13th, I am scared out of my gourd. I have resolutions related to sewing, but this is the marathon one is kind of stressing me out at the moment :)
Ooh, those are pretty! How nice of you to do this giveaway.
One of my resolutions is to lose weight--I know, how cliche. But my husband and I are going to do it together so I really hope we are successful!
Okay, I've posted your sweet vintage on my blog titled "Happy New Year!"
Thank you again!
I would love to be entered in.
I want to finish at least 2 quilts this year! Last year I had just started and only finished one so I would like to at least double it if not more than double! With a husband, 5 kids and working 2 jobs I've not had a whole lot of time but.....this is a goal! We'll see! ;-)
Oh they are pretty, they would make a lovely quilt.
I don't really make NY resolutions but I have told myself that I will follow through a bit more this year. I can be quite the procrastinator and it often takes me days to do things I say need doing now.
Oo, first giveaway of the new year! \o/ I have four words I'm using to shape and guide the new year: Mindfulness, Compassion, Connections, Home. I have a small smattering of more concrete "resolutions," but these are the more important ones.
I love any vintage fabrics, and those sheets are awesome!
I think I have a good chance at this since my birthday is the 7th too!!
I will blog about you and come back and let you know.
Oops, new years resolution is to finish two of my WIPs. I have more then that, but finishing two is realistic. lol
I blogged about your giveaway!
Yippee two chances.
Thanks for the giveaway! One of my goals (which I posted on my blog last night) is to further my sewing and attempt to make a little extra cash with it.
Maybe a few vintage fat quarters could help ;)
I just posted about your giveaway on my blog as well! Thanks again!
This year I have a few goals set for myself. The first of which is to downsize our household goods while decorating our house with what we use and love! In part it will be easy as we are moving from Alaska to Indiana in 3 weeks, a 3700 mile journey. The next goal is to use what craft supplies I have for gifts, household decorations, and bedding before I buy anything more. We do know we will need a new bed but I am going to attempt to design and build the frame myself.... There are many more goals I've set but they are far to numerous to list here!!
My New Year's Resolution is to actually start and finish something that I keep for myself!
One of my goals (and I keep putting it at the top of my list), is to make quilt tops from the many block swaps/lottos I've been in. I must have at least 10 quilts I could make from those! Wish me success in the New Year! Oh, and happy new year to all of you too!
My New Years goal is to get my daughter married in a stylish but yet afforadable manner. She sprung the news on us without expecting it so now the challenge begins.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely set of fabrics.
Yippppeeee! Vintage sheets!
My goal for this year is to enter a spring craft show with a friend. It will be my very first if all goes well.
God bless and thank you for this great gift.. Happy New Year!
immlach @ yahoo dot com
Keeping it simple this year--one goal. To live in the moment and really enjoy my life and family.
Just shared this fabulous giveaway with all my friends on Facebook!
Love the vintage sheets, I know the perfect project! I have a couple new years resolutions, but my main one is probably to show my loved ones how much they mean to me more often, and to play with my kids more!
You'd never believe it, but one of my goals for the year is to make my wee Punk a quilt cover for her bed out of... can you guess... vintage fabric...!
It's a crazy goal for me, serial project abandoner & quilting hater, but goal it is, because she NEEDS a gorgeous quilt you see, as a matter of urgency...!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway, I shall have everything crossed!
what lovely fabric! My new years resolution is to sew more. That should be easy to keep since I just started sewing again last year and I'm addicted!
Lovely sheets! My resolution is to become better at machine quilting. It is a challege for me--always a dyed in wool hand quilter. Thanks.
I need to finish the projects I started in 2009 before the end of 2010!
cute cute! my goal is to be a funner mama. doing a fun thing with my 3 boys every day.thanks for the giveaway!
Resolution is to use my stash and try my hardest not to buy any fabric. Also to try and start some stitchery.
Happy New Year to you! Oh I am so in love with vintage sheets! I hope to get at least one quilt made in 2010 with them. :-)
So pretty! My goal is to waste less time. Productiveness is good.
Is your giveaway open to Australians? I don't own any vintage sheets and I'd love to win yours. They look gorgeous and colourful. My only new year goal, is to sew more, cos it makes me happy.
An early resolution is to carve a Gnome playing a banjo.....But then, I could, maybe, perhaps do another lap quilt.....
My new year's goal is simple: finish one project before I start another one. Baby steps...
This year i am training to be in a 160 mile 3 day bike trek for the American Lung Association. This is a BIG task. I am not an athelete, but the women in my family are getting together and cycling in memory of my Grammie Carol who died last spring of lung cancer. Its a BIG resolution! PS I love your simple sweet style.
Beautiful! My NY Resolution is try to be more patient. I am a stay at home mom to 9&10 year old stepdaughters and a VERY active 7 month old son. Those kiddos could really test your patience at times!
One of my goals is to see my mom a quilt for Christmas. I think I need to start now after the rush I was in with the boys quilts!
I plan on saving money and learning how to sew better.
I'd love to enter your contest. One of my crafty goals this year is to finish my first ever quilt project that has been sitting in a box while I've finished many other projects.
oh la la, I love them vintage sheets, so nice.....my new years goals, is not to have any...I always set some every year and never stick by any of them.
oh I love the vintage sheets! thank you for the chance!
one of my goals is to continue my education in learning sign language, I am 40 years old and just finished my first semester ever of my first ASL class (and I got an A!)
My goal for this year is quilting!, I'm attending some classes and it's going to be another year full of it!, I'm going to try different techniques this year, it's going to get hard!, love the vintage sheets!
My goal for this year is to stop worrying about how many new projects I start! Letting go of 'quilt guilt' for 2010! Great giveaway, thanks! Happy New Year!
My resolution is to have more patience and to not be so OCD about cleaning and having the house perfectly tidy.
Just blogged about your giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! One of my resolutions...hmmm other than loose baby weight would be to get pregnant again. And get my first Etsy sale!
I like those vintage sheet! One of my goals this year is to make a vintage quilt out of vintage sheets. And I'm also going to try and tackle circles. And the only other goal I have actually set in stone is to start and finish at least 2 double wedding ring blocks!
Take each previous moment at a time....Finish my daughter's quilt (handsewn)...Walk off last year's unburned calories....Drive down to the coast and squish my toes in the wet sand....chase after my grandchildren...and make some more memories.
Happy 2010 to you! My resolution would be to orgaise my craft room and to finish more projects than I start this year!!
For 2010 I resolved to return to my former healthier, in shape, non smoking self. I am on day two of the quitting smoking, and hopefully buying new running shoes today for the treadmill. Oh how I miss the gym. Happy new year!
One big goal I have is to quilt my queen sized quilt that I made from a pattern I designed. (I am a little scared to quilt it)
Vintage sheets in fat quarters??? These would be soooo fun!
A goal I'd like to accomplish this year is in regard to sewing. I just started to sew this summer after I got a sewing machine for my birthday, and I got some new sewing books and such for Christmas, so my goal is to sit down and make something once every week or so. Practice makes perfect, right? We'll see how that goes...
Kicking off a new year with a giveaway! I love it! Those are very sweet prints. My crafty goal for 2010 is to make more aprons. I made just one last year which is odd because aprons are my favorite item to sew.
One of my goals for this year is to finish a quilt I started for myself about 8 years ago! The top is finished and the layers are pinned together... I just have to finish it! :)
Thanks for entering my name in your contest!
One of my goals this year is to say "no" more, focus completely on my husband and my son, and quilt more! I have a tendency to put too much on my plate, so this year I am cutting back. Love the vintage sheets and would love to win since I've never found vintage sheets at my local thrifting stores. Can you imagine how soft that quilt would be if one was made from those fat quarters? Love it!
My largest goal is to find my first career job. Fingers crossed!
One of my goals is to become a new home owner in 2010!!
NY GOAL: to use the fabrics I already own,so I can buy MORE!
Love, Linda D.
they are gorgeous FQ. my goal is to spend less money and more time with my family. part of that is buying all my fabric on sale and moving my sewing machine to the main part of the house. today i am making my daughter new hats with some left over fleece from past projects. she is helping me pick out the "decorations" for on the hat. thepinkpetunia@gmail DOT COM
Iguess I have a few quilty goals- I want to get quilting more consistently that include using so many beautiful fabrics from my stash.
Lovely vintage sheets- you are going to make someone very happy when you choose their name as your winner.
Warmest regards,
One of my goals this year is to get better organized! Storage and a garage sale are in order! Thanks for the greay giveaway!
umm well it isn't too original I need to loose the baby weight.
My resolutions are to finish up my stash of craft projects and make quilts for my 7yo daughter, 3 yo son and soon to be born son. :) We'll see though...
Do enter me please!
i guess that my main new year goals are to: close money debts that are following us!, find more time to creat! improove the interior design of our house, and most of all- to give the best that i can to my famely! and to just try to make this a better year- hopefully!
and yey!
i blogged about your giveaway!
My goal is to finish most of my unfinished projects. At least one a month. Oh and to watch what I eat and exercise more.
My main goal is to do more sewing & learn more about dressmaking/pattern drafting. Plus I'd like to start selling some creations.
I just love those vintage sheets. My resolution this year is to use up all the fabric in my fabric closet...so I can get some new fabric :).
One of my new year goals is to learn to crochet and knit Properly as im crap at both!
Happy New Year
x K
beautiful fabrics! Two of my New Years goals is to cut out all preservatives from our diet and to organize my fabric scraps.
beautiful sheets, i definitely need some vintage in my stash! one of my goals is to live more in the moment, i'd really like to end this year feeling like i didn't waste a single second.
Wow! what a great giveaway! One of my goals for this year is to open up an etsy shop. ;)
Oh I would just love to win this. You are so sweet. My New Year's goal is to lose four pounds, I know that's not a lot but it's my goal. And also to walk closer to Jesus.
They are beautiful! I tried a few New Years resolutions like losing weight and buying less fabric, but I finally decided on the following ones I could actually have a chance of sticking to:
"eat more chocolate, laugh more, love more, have more fun, dine out at fabulous restaurants and enjoy life!"
Love the sheets- am going to start a top soon with the sheets I exchanged on the net.
I already broke my resolution by joining a swap in my guild. I wasn't going to start anything new until I finished at least 2 projects- oh well ; ) Thanks for hosting.
Great!! I've been waiting for a vintage sheet giveaway/swap since I saw one last year. I've been trying to collect some of my own, but sometimes they're hard to find. Hope I win, I have a vintage sheet quilt in mind for this year. Thanks!!
one of my new years goals is to make something really pretty from this lovely prize! heehee....I just love them. Actually, a goal is to work more on getting things published....just found your blog, I love it.
I also posted on my blog and I am having a little giveaway too, if you would like to pop by...
My New Year goal is to make more quilts. Usually it is to not buy any fabric but as I can never keep to that, I am going to try to just make more quilts. That way I don't have to deprive myself of fabric buying.
Thanks for the chance at more fabric.
new year resolution is to do it - no more procrastinating!!
So pretty!! Where did you find such lovely fabric?
My resolution is to cut out processed foods, starting with refined sugar. This is going to be really hard for me!
Start and etsy shop, and finish all ufos!! How is that for a resolution!!! These vintage sheets are just what I need, I have 3 such quilts to make for the family!!!
I think my resolution has to be to spend more time at the sewing machine and less on the computer..so far I'm not doing too well...but the vintage sheets just might influence me :o)
i resolve to sew at least one dress for my daughter this year, and make some new scrubs for my husband!
One of my goals for 2010 is to get my computer cleaned up, and more organized so that it works for me instead of against me!
Oh they are lovely! For 2010 I would really like to keep my etsy shop more up to date and possibly, dare I say it, start a blog!
( lorepuckett at verizon dot net )
My New Years resolution is to make some great Kiwi inspired crafts for my etsy shop when I come back from my 4-month trip to New Zealand!
Wow..cheerfull colors on this FQ giveaway that caught my eyes:) I would like to finish my sewing projects in New Year, and of course win the lotery:)))
My goal is to get an A in french class!
Great giveaway! In 2010 I first want to learn more about quilting. I have many projects left from last year.
Thanks for the opportunity!
They are lovely gifts. My NY resolutions is to do lots of quilts for charity.... especially for needy and children....!
I'm attempting to clean one drawer or closet or other small area every other day. I plan to work through the whole house in manageable bits! I tend to distract easily, so one small area at a time is perfect for me!
Oh wow I love vintage sheets! I am hoping to get back to knitting,and to learn how to use the EQ6 I received for Christmas! Wishing you a happy and blessed New Year!
oh love the sheets!!!
ok..main goal...moving..and ugh packing the attic may take me the WHOLE year :)
Greetings from Albany, Western Australia. Lovely giveaway. I have just semi-retired and so hope to do a lot more sewing this year. Sam (Sandra)
OH, I am so glad I found your blog. I can't wait to read on more. One of my New Years resolutions is to finish 3 of my UFOs that are so near completion. As soon as I get out of this cast and can do stairs easily again I will get back to them. Should be up and going in two weeks!
Yes, please throw my name in the hat. I would love to be in the drawing. Thanks for having it!
My goals...by happy, healthy and a better person towards others. I'd like to say make more quilts but gosh darn if my fingers just won't work any faster (why does my head though?) Hee!! Fantastic giveaway will go post to my blog for ya!
pretty colors My goal is to finish a couple projects I started last year and never finished
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The fabrics are beautiful. One of my resolutions is to finish as many UFO's as I can, and to try to use up my fabric stash before it takes over the house.
Lovely fabric! My main goal is to be on the computer less and on the sewing machine more. Also, to finish a wedding cross-stitch for a friend who got married well over a year ago. Ooops.
Vintage sheet yay! One of my resolutions fpor New yeaars is to get all my ed plans and progress reports done a week before they arer due.
Those fabrics so remind me opf my mother. I ma sure she still has many sheets that are very sililar to these fabrics. They are wonderful.
I forgot my resolution is to keep organized and finish 4 quilts before starting new ones. So far so good.
Oh, can I play? I am here by Quilt Hollow. I love vintage.
I have a Christmas tree skirt I would like to hand quilt before next Christmas.
Nice giveaway! One of my goals is to finish up all of this year's WIPs. I'd like to say I'm going to do that before I start any new projects, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen! :-)
And... I just blogged about your giveaway (sorry it's so late!).
My New Years goal is to do more with my children. Oh and to lose weight :)
ok so i guess one of my big goals is to be better at completing my quilts from start to finish in a shorter amount of time, rather than in months. this is such a great giveaway. thanks for the chance
My resolution this year is to stop eating eggs. Kind of a weird one, but I just feel like it's time.
Also (I have more than one :) ) - to make lots of use of my new sewing machine! Hooray! This is the fun resolution!
What lovely vintage sheets! One of my goals is to get rid of clutter. I'd love to be able to clear out our garage. Well, and sew more. But that goes without saying, right?
Oh, those are positively gorgeous! One of my goals.... to decorate my daughters' rooms in vintage linen garb! :D
Thank you for the chance at the lovelies..
One of my goals is to bust the clutter in our house and garage. We have lots of STUFF that needs to go..
Happy New Year!
One of my resolutions is to try to use up some of my stash, so I can buy more!!
One of my resolutions is to crochet more hats. I've finished one already this year and am working on a second.
One of my resolutions is to "journal" by doing project 365!
Great vintage !!! I am always on the look out for new/old fabric. For the New Year I am starting a local Team Survivor. It is companionship & workouts for women who are or have had cancer.
My diet starts today!Or was it in planns for tomorrow? Well, I 'll try to eat less, to move more etc. etc.I love your vintage sheets and hope some day I'll win them.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Awesome giveaway! I'm working on learning to be content in 2010. I haven't decided yet if that should also apply to the size of my fabric stash...
Yummy vintage! Love it!!!
One of my resolutions this year is not to lose my mind (i'm a mother of three under three). I plan to meet this goal by sewing on a more regular basis and fleeing the house screaming when necessary. ;)
A goal for 2010 is to get my sewing machine's tension fixed (it's been all effed for months and I've just been focusing on other crafts to make up for it) so I can get some sewing done! Really, it's more of a January goal. But nontheless!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I hope I'm not too late! I love those!
This year I want to stop wishing and thinking and start doing. So far I haven't been successful... :)
I hope it's not too late to enter. My goal is to do more quilting this year.
One of my biggest goals this year os to participate in the St. Jude relay and raise at least $300!
well my resolution is to take care of ME so i can be a stronger mom, advocate and wife!
I am working to maintain my weight and to sew more scrap quilts...my favorite.
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